Summer 2015
I would like to thank you all for the support that you have given to the club during this our 90th year.
On March 12th this year we presented Joy Thody, the convenor of the ULLC Book Club and one of our very long serving members, with Honorary Membership, making her the third member to receive the honour this year.

Summer Outing to Castle Howard
(Pictures of this event may be viewed in The Gallery)
Tuesday 12th May 9.30am to 6.00 pm
The coach leaves promptly from St Chads' Church
Booking and payment by 3rd May at the latest to
Guests welcome £30.00
President's Tea Party

Tuesday 2nd June 2.00 to 4.00pm
at the home of Mrs Janet Herbert
Members only
RSVP by 22nd May to
Mrs Joan Wilson as above
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 25th June 2:00pm for 2:30pm
Fenton Room, Devonshire Hall
RSVP by 16th June to
Mrs Joan Wilson as above
Members only

President Moira handing over to our new president, Mrs. Carole Tabbron
Informal Visit to Thackray Museum
meet at Coffee Shop 11.00 am
Tuesday 7th July £7.00
Buses from Leeds City Centre: 16,42,49,50 and 50A
(some onsite parking)
Images of past events in this summer programme can be viewed in the Gallery